All Prizes Total Value: $1,473
Felicity Images
Plank Pilates
Signature Art Gallery of Vero
Vero Beach Karate Association
Community Veterinary Clinic
Chaney's House O' Flowers
The Amber Ribbon
Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
Eminence Hair Design
Main Street Vero Beach
The Buggy Bunch
The Hair Shop for Men
Baci Trattoria
Carmine & Lucia's
Oy...too Much Catnip
by Sherry
Where's My Food
by Lisa Borda
Night Fury Needs Feeding
by Krystal Moore
I Want Him!! Just Protecting My Mom
by Sharon Letts
Woke Up This Way!
by Marti Gordon
Easter Egg Hunting
by Michelle Andrews-Ting
What Happened? I Was Just Playing With This Bag.....
by Nancy
by Emily Jarrett
Ping, "You Know You Love Me".
by Nancy
Rug Rubs Are The Best Rubs!
by Kristina Hunt
Santa Wasn't Watching
by Mary Keller
Waiting Fur Santa Claws
by Nicole